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As my increasing detachment has led to less output on my part, Ive encouraged my extremely intelligent readers to make their voices heard by writing their own articles. This has been a resounding success, as dozens of readers have found their voice and written outstanding, thought provoking articles. Many other bloggers have approached me as they try to get their blogs off the ground and asked if I would post their articles. Ive done this gladly, as I remembered how ZeroHedge and Lew Rockwell helped me get off the ground. Supporting like minded websites is our only defense against the oligarchy, media conglomerates, surveillance state and leftist Big Brother agenda. Whenever Ive found myself depressed or in a funk, its the commentary, courage, fortitude and not giving a attitude of the TBP crowd that sustains me and keeps me plugging away. Ive always been inspired by this Samuel Adams quote:It does not take a majority to prevail but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. The readers of my blog are most certainly a minority in this warped, corrupt, decadent society. I met a few of them at Marcs farm. We are irate. We are tireless.
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Three types of experiment cars were repeatedly driven on snowy and dry surfaces to obtain wheel slip data. Three approaches, including regression analysis, support vector machine SVM, and deep learning, were explored to categorize into two states slippery or non slippery. Results indicated that a deep learning model resulted in the best performance with accuracy of 0. 972, only where sufficient data were obtained. SVM models universally showed good performance, with average accuracy of 0. 965, regardless of sample size.
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Rootes ed. 1999, Environmental Movements. Local, National and Global, London: Frank Cass. A. Thomas, S. Carr and D. Humphreys eds. 2001, Environmental Policies and NGO Influence. Land Degradation and Sustainable Resource Management in Sub Saharan Africa, London: Routledge. T. G.
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