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Single use bioprocess systems and components pose a challenge during validation testing due to their size and complexity. A large scale system could be, for example, an assembly of a 10,000 L bag connected to several meters of tubing, high area filter capsules that could be 254 mm 10 inches or larger, and a connector with a complex design or perhaps a complex manifold of connectors. Thus, you should carefully plan an easy and scientifically valid approach to bioburden and sterility testing. The sample item portion SIP, product groupings, and family approaches to testing described in the ANSI/AAMI/ISO 11137:2006 guidelines offer strategies addressing the complexity of medical device designs and health care products, and are also applicable to large scale bioprocess components and systems as outlined in the sections described below. The simplest strategy is for three standard manufacturing lots to be sampled. These lots should not deviate from standard manufacturing conditions. Commonly, manufacturers of multiple products develop one or more product families with the intent that a single product can represent the remaining members of its family 10. This single product used to represent a product family may be designated as a master product, an equivalent product, or a simulated product. Master Product: A master product is not necessarily the largest in a family. In cases where all materials and components are the same and products vary only in size or amount of materials, the master product is usually the largest one. Depending on the materials and manufacturing processes included, a master product may be one that possesses the most component types, the greatest combination of materials, the highest filter area, the most handling during manufacture and assembly, or a combination of those factors.