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But I worry that the Trump Administration in delivering these splashyincredibly incompetent, ill planned, insufficiently vetted EOsis leading us around like trained seals. They know were protesting, theyre expecting it, and it expends our energy while other less visible chaos is being wrought. In that sense, and I did join the protests yesterday, Im reminded of Walter Benjamins comments about the aestheticization of politics in his 1936 essay, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. Agreed, we are not proletarian masses, and I hestitate to use the term Fascism, because it is overused. But Im struck by his point that property is preserved while political expression is exercised. Im also reminded of Hannah Arendts point about how the success of authoritarian regimes depends upon throwing us into confusion and chaos, while other devastating acts are undertaken under dark of night, as it were my phrase. This is not to say that there isnt important reason to be on record as dissenting. This is not to say that there is no cause for concernbut Trump/Bannon et al are continuing a certain politics of distraction that has been in effect for a long time, including under the Clinton, Bush, and Obama Administrationsnamely getting us to focus on a certain social politics of antagonism and hate, while they enact other deeply destructive economic policies: NAFTA, the repeal of Glass Steagall leading eventually to the massive mortgage foreclosure crisis, financial treats for pals in the investment banking industry, the loss of pensions, bailing out the banks, cowtowing to the health insurance industry, etc. We know that Trump has put Steve Bannon, clown and white supremacist extraordinaire excuse me, his Chief of Staff on the NSC, along with the NSC Executive Secretary, while removing the Director of National Intelligence and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs from permanent status. This is a WTF moment. Responses from the Trump administration responded that they didnt want to waste the DNIs or Chairmans time.

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Rentzhog is a member of Al Gores Climate Reality Organization Leaders, where he is part of the European Climate Policy Task Force. He received his training in March 2017 by former US Vice President Al Gore in Denver, USA, and again in June 2018, in Berlin. The We Dont Have Time Foundation cites two special youth advisors and trustees: Greta Thunberg and Jamie Margolin. Mrten Thorslund, chief marketing and sustainability officer of We Dont Have Time took many of the very first photos of Thunberg following the launch of her school strike on August 20, 2018. In the following instance, photos taken by Thorslund accompany the article written by David Olsson, chief operating officer of We Dont Have Time, This 15 year old Girl Breaks Swedish Law for the Climate, published August 23, 2018:Greta became a climate champion and tried to influence those closest to her. Her father now writes articles and gives lectures on the climate crisis, whereas her mother, a famous Swedish opera singer, has stopped flying.
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When you chunk, you simply group information into small groups of three to five times at a time. It's easier to remember a picture rather than details from a book or a lecture. Visualization is one strategy that can be used to remember information that's been read in a textbook or spoken during a lecture. This strategy is especially useful when studying abstract or confusing subjects. To apply this strategy, create images in your mind that relate to, or have similarities to, the abstract concept. Visualizing information read or relayed to you will imprint it in your mind, increasing the likelihood you'll remember it.
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The bond shall be executed by the applicantas principal and by a bonding company authorized to do business in this State. The bond shall be conditioned to provide indemnification to any student, or hisparent or guardian, who has suffered a loss of tuition or any fees by reason ofthe failure of the institution to offer or complete student instruction,academic services, or other goods and services related to course enrollment forany reason, including the suspension, revocation, or nonrenewal of aninstitution's license, bankruptcy, foreclosure, or the institution ceasing tooperate. The bond shall be in an amountdetermined by the Board to be adequate to provide indemnification to anystudent, or his parent or guardian, under the terms of the bond. The bondamount for an institution shall be at least equal to the maximum amount ofprepaid tuition held at any time during the last fiscal year by theinstitution. The bond amount shall also be at least ten thousand dollars$10,000. Each application for a license shallinclude a letter signed by an authorized representative of the institutionshowing in detail the calculations made and the method of computing the amountof the bond, pursuant to this subdivision and the rules of the Board. If theBoard finds that the calculations made and the method of computing the amountof the bond are inaccurate or that the amount of the bond is otherwise inadequateto provide indemnification under the terms of the bond, the Board may requirethe applicant to provide an additional bond. The bond shall remain in force andeffect until cancelled by the guarantor. The guarantor may cancel the bond upon30 days notice to the Board. Cancellation of the bond shall not affect anyliability incurred or accrued prior to the termination of the notice period. Any institution thatacquires licensure under this section shall be subject to review by the Boardto determine that the institution continues to meet the standard for licensureof subsection f, above.