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As has been discussed earlier Southeast Asia, in the recent past the land was successfully converted in to laboratory for Jihadists experiments. Radical Islamists are dreaming of carving out a new pan Islamic state in the region, according to Professor Xinsheng Wang. The terrorists, he said, hope to some of the Southeast Asian countries in their project to redraw the map. Why Southeast Asia?being used by the radical Islamist groups for their operation. The level and character of the threat posed by terrorist groups in Southeast Asia is difficult to estimate precisely. But one point has emerged very clearly that the region has become important arena for international Terrorism, notably the Al Qaeda.

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And its a fraud that degrades the essential educational mission. It suggests that what really matters, what makes a college worth attending and supporting, isnt scholarship or research or intellectual transmission, but athletics. Which is why, when you hear the name of a large state school such as the University of Texas or Florida or Michigan you dont think of a college at all. You think of a football team. To return to the issue of free labor, let us consider the recent claim, made by football players at Northwestern, that they be considered employees of the university, and thus allowed to unionize. This is not, as the media has reported it, a controversy. The players recruited by Northwestern work over 40 hours per week, even in the off season. In any other context, we would call that a job. The NCAA is desperate to fight this case, because it would crush the fragile foundational myth of the student athlete. It would make college football seem too much like what it actually is: one of the nations fastest growing industries. The top ten programs alone increased their revenues self reported, naturally from $290 million to nearly $800 million in the ten years from 2001 to 2011.
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The skeptic is right to conclude that insects such as locusts, grasshoppers, and crickets have three pairs of legs, not two pairs. But the skeptic is not correct in assuming that God or the Bible writers were unaware of this fact. The very idea that the Israelites, who during various plagues saw untold millions of insects at a time e. g. , locusts; cf. Exodus 10:1 20; Joel 1:4; Amos 4:9, were clueless about how many legs these creatures had, is outlandishpeople in biblical times could count legs just as easily as people today Hutchinson, 2007, p. 57. As Petrich mentioned, the Israelites not only saw insects, but they ate them cf. Mark 1:6; Leviticus 11:22, which means they would have seen them up close and personal. Are we to believe that when the Israelites caught, cleaned, and put locusts up to their mouths, they never realized how many legs these insects had?The writer of Leviticus would have known this as surely as Americans know that beef comes from cows which walk on four legs. So why did Moses use the term four to describe creatures with six legs?Likely for the same reason we refer to certain arthropods as having 100 or 1,000, legsMoses was using a colloquial expression like one might hear on a farm; he was not writing a technical, scientific paper on the anatomy of insects.
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Unfortunately, I am no longer able to come up with the money to pay for any more classes and have had to drop out of school, which breaks my heart. I feel that with the grades, drive and desire that I have to finish school and really make something of myself, there must be someone out there who has been through what I am going through and has the means to help me. As a 16 year old in high school, I was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. I stood up to it and battled it like a soldier. Now here I stand, at 23 years of age, facing yet another battle, to be the second person in my family to go to college my mom being the first and come out with a degree. It suddenly occurred to me that this should be no where near as difficult a battle as fighting cancer at the age of 16. There must be an organization out there able and willing to put a 23 year old cancer survivor with a 4. 0 GPA through college. PLEASE HELP!Im a kenyan ageg 37yrs married advancing my education, wish to humbly request for your assistance to enable me realize my dream. Im student at Kenya Methodist University. Student Number BML133603/2010.
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