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The president took questions about the amicus brief the White House filed with the US Supreme Court, which argues that California?s Proposition 8, which bans marriage, is unconstitutional. President Obama on Friday said that in recent years, the whole nation has moved toward the position that couples should marry ?a change in thinking that mirrors his own. That?s a ?positive thing,?he said at a short news conference, and it?s a big reason the administration on Thursday filed a friend of the court brief with the US Supreme Court arguing that California?s Proposition 8, which bans marriage, is unconstitutional. ?When the Supreme Court essentially called the question by taking this case about California?s law, I didn?t feel like that was something that this administration could avoid,?Mr. Obama said. ?I felt it was important for us to articulate what I believe and what this administration stands for. ?But do Obama and his administration believe the court should establish a broad national right for gays to wed?That?s a question with a complex answer not entirely reflected in the president?s words. Strictly speaking, the US did not have to get involved in Hollingsworth v. Perry 12 144, the Supreme Court case on Prop. 8. That?s because the case centers on the constitutionality of a state statute: in this case, a proposition passed by California voters, which amended the state constitution to limit ?marriage?to a union between a man and a woman.

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When we look at the total amount won for each currency, it is unsurprising that Canadian Dollars once again come out on top of the list. Given that there were more than four times as many winners in Canadian Dollars compared to the other currencies, it is not surprising therefore that this currency was the one that saw the most winners in the month. The amount awarded in Canadian Dollars in December was an increase on November by over CA$220,000. Similarly, US Dollar players saw an increase of around US$19,000 compared to last month, but a smaller number of Euro winners saw they pay outs drop from around 210,000 last month to just over 54,000 in December. What is interesting to note here is that while the Canadian Dollar and US Dollar average win value was much higher than the Euro, all three currencies had higher win averages in December compared to November. Euro players saw a small rise in average win of around 500, but there was big increases for the other two currencies with US Dollar players average win being worth US$10,000+ more in December, while Canadian Dollar winners also saw an increase this time of just under CA$12,000 on average.
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Email marketing for small business serves as a communication channel between you and your customers, not a mass advertising channel like television or radio like in old times. Most people are willing to share their opinions good and bad with you if asked, and a survey helps to keep your business in their minds. Crafting a compelling subject line, adding images, and keeping copy easily digestible will improve email engagement. These tips and insights from brands help customers feel educated and in the know. If Ive missed anyone you think is a world class email marketing expert, please: Leave a comment and tell us who they are. In this article, were going to explore the specific steps you need to take if you want to get great results when running email campaigns. Every euro invested in e Mail marketing generates an average return that is four times higher. Also be sure to visit our Email Marketing Resources for more tips and ideas for creating effective email campaigns. In my opinion, the creative has stayed the same even Groupons and it seems companies would rather invest in sales people than their lifeline, better known as their email program to try and optimize revenue. Mobile marketing involves using advertisements that move to different locations to promote for companies. After all, its in the interests of both parties that end users get email they want.
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Now, thanks to the hard work and diligence and, although most people arent aware of it, the courage of John Eveland and the support and an equal dose of courage provided by the Allegheny County Sportsmens League, the full extent of the mismanagement of Pennsylvanias deer herd has come to light. Read moreIf I were asked to give one word to describe todays entire Blood Sport community, I would offer the word diverse. And if were asked to give one word to describe the Blood Sport communitys current state of affairs, I would suggest that word is divided. The Blood Sport community is no longer generically lumped into descriptive categories like Hunters or Trappers or Anglers. Today this community is separated into numerous sub sets that are identified with specific fish or wildlife species or hunting and fishing techniques. By any logical application of the word, the Blood Sports at the end of the first decade of the twenty first century are diverse. Read moreThose of us who hunt and fish are a strange lot, as diverse as any group can be and still be considered, as I and a few other introspective outdoor writers have suggested, members of one the Blood Sports community. Depending upon who is providing the description, we are both an economic engine and this nations first and only true conservationists. Given the dichotomous ground between these accurately descriptive labels, it is fair to ask, Are the Blood Sports really a homogenous community as the economists label us or, as we speed down the inexorable trail of modernity, have we finally reached a point where we will split into incompatible, competing factions? Read more I know the popular thing to do when youre regaling people with a story about fly fishing is to drop as many who you know names as possible so that you can get a few buffo points for the quality of the people youve met. I know this must be true because Ive got a whole collection of catchy named books by a guy whose publisher must pay extra for every big name he works into his stories. Ive only ever met briefly talked to might be more accurate one of these who you knows and from that limited exposure I didnt think he was all hed been cracked up to be.
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Color and Moods: Associating colors with moods is an interesting idea. There have been studies that indicated people are more relaxed around certain colors and more agitated around others. Everyone has favorite colors and colours they just dont like. My favorites are teal, purple and pastels, in general. There is a pervasive idea that the color red will excite a bull, hence the use of a bright red cape in bullfights, but that hasnt been proven. Still, red is an invigorating, agitating color while green is considered healing and blue peaceful. What do your favorite colors say about you?The page you are visiting was formerly part of the Which?University website, but is now being provided by The Uni Guide part of The Student Room. For more information please click here. When can you expect a university to reply with an offer, hopefully!?As our guide explains, response times on decisions can vary. It could be a matter of days, or months before you hear back from a university about your application, whether that's an offer, invitation to an interview or rejection hopefully not. It all depends on when you applied and how that university course chooses to make offers.