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I feel very privileged to have such honored guests and wanted to share their visits with you, the viewers of this website. It also gives me another opportunity to thank you all for your continued participation and support. Two scientific papers originally presented in May at the Nice Symposium are currently being prepared for the next update of this site. That will bring the number of papers on this website from that important Shroud meeting to seven. I also have another six or seven scientific papers from other researchers waiting in the wings. Also coming is information on a newly released Shroud CD Rom, additional books for the "Shroud Booklist" page, an update from Italy on the 1998 Exhibition, updates to the "Research Registry" page and much more. As you can see, there is much on the horizon. So much, in fact, that it caused me to post the following notice. Are you a web expert living in or near the Los Angeles area?Do you have time on your hands?This website, currently the product of one slightly overworked photographer, has grown very rapidly over the last two years into 17MB of information. However, it has reached the point where that growth is being restricted by my limited schedule. I am now seriously looking to find someone with html authoring experience that can help me process some of the materials that are regularly submitted to this site and allow for more frequent updates.

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