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"His city is indeed not alone. Homelessness has increased in other thriving West Coast cities that are destinations for young, well educated workers, like San Francisco and Seattle, where the blame has also largely fallen on rapidly rising costs and evictions. Exact numbers are always hard to come by but 553,742 people were homeless on a single night across the US in 2017, the Department of Housing and Urban Development said, the first rise in seven years. The figure, however, was still 13% lower than in 2010. Declines in 30 states were overshadowed by big surges elsewhere, with California, Oregon and Washington among the worst. Los Angeles, where the situation has been described as unprecedented, had more than 50,000 people without homes, behind only New York City, which had some 75,000. Joseph Gordon, known as Tequila, has lived in a homeless camp called Hazelnut Grove since its creation in 2015, when Portland first declared a state of emergency over the crisis. "It's very scary. people I have come across," said the 37 year old, "are from every single walk of life. And the homeless population is getting bigger and bigger. "Multnomah County reported 4,177 people homeless on a single night last year, a 10% rise from 2015 many believed the number was even higher.

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