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However, linking them to a hub page helps signal to Google that this is the page that should rank for a particular keyword or term. Mail Online had no hub page strategy of any kind until recently. Dan Barker @danbarker on Twitter pointed this out recently, and estimates that Mail started this strategy around October 25 last year. Here, we have the search results for the entire Daily Mail domain for the search term Chelsea News. This is news related to Chelsea football club, a relatively popular search in the UK. We can see that it started returning results for this hub page from November 7.

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Draw an upward slanting rectangle about half the length of the car and slightly above the square to make a side wing. The lower wing can be created in a similar way. Illustration of How to draw step wise imaginary fashionable convertible car. Make sure you take the entire width of the head into account. Download this stock vector Police car linear icon. i do not like mean comments thanks 464 18 SLUG BUG OUCH THAT HURT.
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The focus is not upon listening and speaking but upon using language to communicate and to learn. As students use language to learn in various subject areas, it becomes necessary for them to communicate with peers in large and small groups as well as with the teacher. Collaborative talk can occur between peers in quite an informal way or in more formal cooperative learning groups. Listening and speaking skills as vehicles for learning across all subjects areas. Barnes D in his book named as Oral language and learning 1990 described that listening and speaking become valuable not only as isolated skills or groups of skills, but as vehicles for learning across all subject areas. Oral communication should be integrated with other areas of instruction. The main drawback of the communicative language teaching approach is that it is commonly short usually months only. It does not dwell on drilling; instead it covers the various ways of communication with contextualization, translation and speaking skills. During the study period, various role play and group projects may be used but if the student does not and cannot speak up then the approach may be considered to be unfruitful. CLT does not focus on error correction. This is a disadvantage as learners are forced to practice with classmates who are not fluent in English.
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In a dictatorship it is the dictator who dictates the law of the country. When Hitler was appointed chancellor on January 30th 1933 it was at the Dictatorship was a mad doctrine. Criticism of the state is prohibited. The only pure military nbsp 20 Mar 2019 If military dictatorship is defined in the strictest sense as the rule of a junta or military officer who comes to power through a coup and then nbsp 22 May 2019 To sum it up in two examples most of my classmates in the Catholic high school I attended on a merit scholarship told me repeatedly my nbsp With The Perfect Dictatorship Stein Ringen proposes to explain how a regime of the model citing other examples of modernisation where political and social nbsp 16 Mar 2018 runs down a half dozen examples starting in the Republic 39 s infancy. Censorship of media. This paper analyzes the two forms of government dictatorship and democracy. Dictatorship also has proven to be successful in Pakistan. Jul 23 2015 One great examples of this is Adolf Hitler who was the dictator of Germany during the second world war. Political nbsp 1 Aug 2016 In each of these dictatorial examples men who sought to rule with an iron fist appeared to also behave in a manner driven by a hidden nbsp 22 Jan 2019 Between 2000 and 2010 75 per cent of transformations of democracies into dictatorships ended thus. This type of system is called a Dictatorship. The leader has not been elected and may use force to keep control.
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To articulate the drafting of the national plan for combating corruption. 4. To submit to the National Assembly proposals for legal reforms in the framework of its competencies. 5. To report annually to the National Assembly about the activities regarding fulfillment of its duties and whenever the latter requests this report. Article 207. The Council for Public Participation and Social Control shall promote and encourage the exercise of the rights involving public participation, shall promote and set up social control mechanisms in matters of general welfare, and shall designate the authorities that pertain to it in accordance with the Constitution and the law. The Councils structure shall be deconcentrated and shall be in line with the performance of its duties. The Council shall be comprised of seven standing council persons and seven alternates. The standing members shall elect from among themselves the Chair, who shall be the Councils legal representative for a term that shall extend to the middle of his/her term of office. The selection of council persons shall be done from among candidates proposed by social organizations and the citizenry.