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An Naziat : 30. Ibnu Kardzabah 204 272 H, seorang ahli sejarah geografi mengatakan, Bumi itu berputar sebagaimana putaran bola, tempatnya seperti kuning telur dalam tengah telur. Ibnu Rustah 300 H, seorang pakar geografi dari Isfahan mengatakan, Allah meletakkan galaksi berputar seperti berputarnya bola, tengah tengah perputaran, bumi juga berputar dan tempat diamnya di tengah galaksi tata surya. Tentang bulatnya bumi dinisbatkan kepada Al Makmun 218 H salah seorang khilafah Dinasti Abbasiyah. Dialah yang pertama kali melakukan percobaan analogi memisahkan bola bumi globe. Dia mendatangkan dua kelompok ilmuwan astronomi dan geografi. Satu kelompok di bawah pimpinan Sanad bin Ali, seorang ahli perbintangan, matematika dan falak yang beragama Yahudi kemudian Islam dan kelompok satunya di bawah pimpinan Ali bin Isa Al Astrolobe, seorang ahli matematika dan falak yang cukup terkenal di Baghdad. Ada yang mengatakan salah satu pimpinan dua kelompok itu adalah anak Musa bin Syakir. Ulama lain yang sependapat bumi itu bulat adalah Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah 1263 1328 M tokoh salafi yang mengatakan, Ketahuilah, bahwa mereka para ulama sepakat bahwa bentuk bumi itu bulat yang ada di bawah bumi hanyalah tengah dan paling bawahnya adalah pusat. Ibnu Khaldun 1332 1406 M berkata, Ketahuilah, sudah jelas di kitab kitab para ilmuwan dan para peneliti tentang alam bahwa bumi berbentuk bulat. Walaupun berdasarkan berbagai penelitian membuktikan bahwa bumi itu berbentuk bulat, namun para ulama tetap menghargai orang berbeda pendapat dengan mereka.

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Rainfall near a half an inch. The Missouri Supreme Court heard oral arguments Tuesday regarding the dismissal of the UM System Board of Curators from a lawsuit against Mizzou BioJoint. Edward Kip Robertson III, who argued before the state high court on behalf of former patients who have sued the Missouri Orthopaedic Institutes BioJoint Center, said sovereign immunity was never meant to be the sword that the university is wielding now. Robertson pointed out that MU spent money developing and researching the Missouri Osteochondral Preservation System, a joint replacement procedure that has been the subject of at least seven lawsuits. He also said the university entered a partnership with BioJoint as a business and has a patent for the proprietary procedure. The hearing was the latest development in a lengthy legal fight surrounding Mizzou BioJoint and more than 20 former patients who have alleged in lawsuits against two MU doctors and the curators that their joint replacements failed. The topic of sovereign immunity and whether the university has it in this case was the subject of the majority of Tuesdays arguments. The university stands to make money off of the procedure that was performed on the patients, Robertson said. He told the court that the university has spent millions marketing the procedures and bought a business insurance policy, and, as a result, waived sovereign immunity. It remains unclear when exactly the policy was purchased. Greetings from Bradley Universitys Department of Mechanical Engineering family.
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At the end of April 1915, amphibious landings began on the Gallipoli peninsula. By this time, the war on the Western Front had been ongoing for eight months. The entry of Britain and Ireland into the war in August 1914 was a watershed moment; for a number of months previously the spectre of impending civil war had hung over Ireland, as the Home Rule Crisis which had begun in 1912 had reached a crescendo with guns being landed by Ulster Unionists at Larne and by Nationalists at Howth. The Home Rule Crisis had major resonance for a small but vocal minority based in Cork, and led by the citys senior MP William OBrien. OBrien had preached a gospel of conciliation towards unionists, which was met by bemusement in bothnationalist and unionist camps. OBriens chief propaganda vehicle was the Cork Free Press, a daily evening newspaper to begin with acting in competition to the nationalist Cork Examiner and the unionist Cork Constitution.
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All the obvious errors were already fixed by other means, for example, due to user complaints. Does it mean that static analysis isn't really useful?Of course, not. It is of great use, but as I have already said, one time check is not an efficient way to use the analyzer. Analyzers should be used regularly: in this case, a lot of errors, including critical ones, will be detected at the earliest stage. The earlier an error is detected, the less expensive it is to correct it. Of course, I could be wrong, but I am not manipulating the results here put the analyzer's best foot forward. It is just not necessary. PVS Studio is a powerful tool that finds so many defects that there is just no sense to falsify the results. I will explain how I got all these figures. Of course, I could not check the entire Tizen project. The whole Tizen project with the third party libraries is 72 500 000 lines of C, C++ code excluding the comments.
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