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She wanted to clearly inform our students about their futures as donors and what they were designed for in hopes that they will not have high hopes only to be disappointed later on. She was kind hearted and it was her ideal to help but keeping this away from her students left her troubled and she became emotionally damaged throughout the short period she was employed here. Although she should not have gone against the sheltering of our students, I can understand her frustration; I often wish that I could tell them their fate and express my sympathy. I ensure that Hailsham shelters our students so that they can experience a normal childhood similar to that of a human child. They deserve to be given the opportunity to dream, learn and express emotions because they are not different from human children. Discipline and the promotion of hard work are to give the students a purpose in life; if they are occupied by art and studies, their futures can be easily hidden from them.
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Electrons are represented by small circles. This allows the student to interact with a tutor, teaching assistant, or proctor and demonstrate a reaction to someone who does not know Braille but does know Chemistry. A second approach was the use of raised line drawing kits, such as the Swail dot inverter or the Sewell raised line drawing kit, both available from the American Printing House for the Blind TM. Here, both the student and proctor can draw "stick" diagrams which are commonplace means of expressing reactions in Organic Chemistry and interact in real time just like a sighted student with an ink pen. A final approach was the creation of software, still in development, that will take Braille typed on carbonless copy paper which makes an ink image of the Braille dots, scan this Braille into electronic format with a scanner, and re convert this scanned Braille into text. This would allow blind students to hand in assignments in Braille for the professor who knows nothing about Braille to later grade and return. The eventual goal for this would be to have a computer act as the intermediate between professor and student; that is, the computer would translate from print to Braille or vice versa and serve as the interpreter for the blind student and the professor. The Chemistry laboratory also presented several formidable challenges. The first concern of many members of the Chemistry faculty was the safety of blind students and their assistants in the laboratory. Thus, any adaptations made must account for safety and proactively prevent any possible dangerous situations from arising. To this end, it was decided that a sighted laboratory assistant, together with the technological adaptations, would be best for all involved.