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Black exploitation for experimentation is nothing new. Creating loyal test subjects through the guise of public aided assistance, has been an old and effective tactic. An old saying goes, You administer the problem in one hand so you can offer the solution in another. What we are seeing here are solutions that are only creating a vast number of problems. These Tuskegee experiments never go away they just fall under a new layer with a different banner. These secret procedures have become sugar coated so Black Americans can be spoon fed, the best way to hide any secret happens to be in plain sight. The practices that are taking place today are on a wide array of levels, unfortunately we are still seeing the same blind compliance without any real education on these chemical procedures. When a child or adult willingly opts in to one of the many readily available vaccination clinics, pharmacies or grocery stores in the community, they have walked out unknowingly compliant to one of the many parts to a systematic black genocide. Vaccination clinics in America are geographically based by the socio economic standing of a community and become more prevalent in impoverished neighborhoods. The problem isnt only the administration of many of the vaccinations but, the failed questioning of the contents of the vaccination itself. Many of these vaccines include Aluminum, Mercury and genetically modified products that can create detrimental side effects 10 to 20 years down the line.

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S. Department of Educations website that announced all of the schools who were to receive a designation as a National Blue Ribbon School for 2020. Founded in 1982, the National Blue Ribbon Schools award is given to public or private institutions based on that schools overall academic performance or progress in closing achievement gaps among student subgroups. It is additionally granted as an affirmation of the hard work of educators, families, and communities in creating safe and welcoming schools where students master challenging and engaging content. Eight months ago, in a different email, Kauffeld was notified that Buckeye Woods had been nominated as a National Blue Ribbon School by the state board of education for exceeding performance benchmarks. She said she did not know if the school would be selected after all, only a few hundred are chosen each year but she did think it would be deserved. But now that she had confirmation that they did receive the designation as an Exemplary High Performing school, it was time to celebrate with some more kindness, that it. This federal recognition could not have been achieved without these great students, this great staff, and this great community, Kauffeld said. For many years, Buckeye Woods, which is the largest elementary school in the South Western City Schools District, has been making strides in its academic achievements. Their attendance rates have been at 96 percent throughout the past five years and the student body has repeatedly been within the top 15 percent in academic performance in reading and mathematics. According to Kauffeld, office referrals have decreased each year and students complete their homework on time and dont complain as much when they get take home assignments.
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Some of these activities should include: i The periodic evaluation and review of your trademarks and the filing of supplemental trademark applications; ii The establishment and enforcement of a specified and well documented "encroachment policy" respecting the grant of additional franchises; iii The establishment of a written policies respecting the negotiated modification of your franchise agreements; iv The establishment of standardized franchisee communications and compliance notices; v The review of vendor agreements; and vi The maintenance of strategic employment agreements with your management staff focused on the implementation fair and "enforceable" restrictive covenants. While establishing an on going day to day working relationship with your legal counsel may be more expensive for the moment than "doing nothing", the value of this dialogue and planning process will far outweigh the costs associated with avoidable litigation. Once tasks become standardized and well establish many activities may be incorporated into the tasks of your "in house" staff and, over time, serve to reduce your long term legal fees. About the Author: Charles N. Internicola is an author and franchise attorney. Charles is the author of "An Entrepreneurs Guide to Purchasing a Business" and he is the editor of the New York Franchise Law Blog. Charles Internicola represents individuals establishing franchise systems and also helps franchisors maintain their franchise registration and compliance programs. This article is distributed on behalf of the author by http://SubmitYOURArticle. com SubmitYOURArticle. com is a trading name of Takanomi Limited. Takanomi Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales.
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To ascribe primitive or regressive traits to a group of people who are united on the basis of some practices or beliefs or mutual recognition of identity: Muslim/Islamic culture, Black culture, Masculine culture, etc. 4. To describe a set of negative practices that people abide by or embrace wittingly or not, and therefore become part of that group: A culture of: consumerism, terrorism, narcissism, violence. Over a decade ago, at the first philosophy conference I attended after receiving my doctorate, my excitement melted into despair as I heard the keynote speaker, a white feminist philosopher of some renown, painstakingly describe how Palestinians and other Muslim cultures were more prone to a culture of terrorism than those in Western societies. It seemed to link violence to a population while avoiding references to biology, ontology, or nature. And in forging this link, the keynote speaker indicated that these actions were compulsive, driven by the culture to which said people belong. This kind of deployment of culture is striking for its complete bifurcation from a discussion of historical, geopolitical, economic, social, legal structures: what is the history of Palestine or Iraq, Afghanistan, Kashmir, etc?What are the material, geopolitical, social circumstances in which certain men and women engage in certain specific practices?What are the legal structures that punish certain men and women for acts of violence while retaining a blind eye towards others?How do we construe violence or terrorism, when lone individuals or groups associated with non state entities who blow up cafes become the prime figures of terrorism and if they survive, will most certainly face punishment at the hands of government or military forceswhile other figuressurrounded by government security personnel as they instruct others to deploy drones against certain persons in Yemen selected by a computer algorithmare hailed as heroes and voted repeatedly back into positions of power?All this, while those who provide legal validation for such practices are elevated to the nations highest courts the most recent example being, of course, David Barron?Such a disarticulation from a discussion of underlying structures entrenches the belief that these practices are inherent perhaps uniquely so to the group with whom they are associated. So, to talk of a culture of violence suggests that there is a set of violent practices that constitute the fabric of a society, bringing that very society together as a unit, which that society or some part at least doesnt necessarily question, criticize, or challenge. That may not be the intent of using this phrase, sincein none of the above 4 senses is culture used as a factual descriptor even when that is the intent of the speaker but more as a rhetorical descriptor. It is always possible to falsify a statement about culture that presumes that most if not all of its people ascribe to a certain belief. Hindus are not all vegetarian; Not all feminists believe that the hijab is oppressive; Not all Muslims women or men believe that the hijab must be worn.