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The student members represent the class views to this committee, and has a voting seat on the committee. The Year Four Committee develops, maintains, improves and delivers the fourth year curriculum. We establish and enforce policies concerning the electives program. We review and discuss special student requests. The committee reviews student feedback regarding each elective, reviews new electives and provides feedback to the individual departments and faculty members. The committee meets monthly. The student members represent the class views to this committee, and have a voting seat on the committee. There is an in progress transcript showing your academic progress through the curriculum and an official, permanent transcript available after you graduate or otherwise terminate enrollment. Both types of transcripts provide such information as your name, current address, date of birth, social security number, date of matriculation with advanced standing or transfer noted, if applicable, and date of graduation or exit, if applicable. If you are on a leave of absence, transfer, withdraw, or are dismissed, such will be noted in the top portion of the transcript. Curriculum units completed up to departure are listed with performance notations.

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England led the way as London became the capital of a world empire and cities across the country grew in locations strategic for manufacturing. In the United States from 1860 to 1910, the introduction of railroads reduced transportation costs, and large manufacturing centers began to emerge, fueling migration from rural to city areas. Industrialized cities became deadly places to live, due to health problems resulting from overcrowding, occupational hazards of industry, contaminated water and air, poor sanitation, and communicable diseases such as typhoid and cholera. Factories and slums emerged as regular features of the urban landscape. In the second half of the twentieth century, deindustrialization or "economic restructuring" in the West led to poverty, homelessness, and urban decay in formerly prosperous cities. America's "Steel Belt" became a "Rust Belt" and cities such as Detroit, Michigan, and Gary, Indiana began to shrink, contrary to the global trend of massive urban expansion.
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672. S. upper Midwest jumped in January, marking a third straight month of manufacturing growth in the region, a private survey released Jan. 31 showed. Marquette University and the Institute for Supply Management Milwaukee said their index on manufacturing in the Milwaukee region advanced to 59. 81 from 51. 23 in December. Further improvement in regional business outlook stemmed from business owners' hope of decreased government regulation, lower corporate taxes and increased spending on infrastructure under President Trump and a Republican controlled Congress, according to the survey. The survey's component on new orders, a proxy on future activity, rose to 65. 50 from 59. 36 last month, while its production gauge rose to 62.