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This is less than 1 percent of the 447 megawatts the B. L. England power plant can produce at maximum output, but it is enoughto power 4,000 homes. "We're excited about the project. I think it's going to helpthis end of Cape May County lead the way on green energy in NewJersey," he said. Golfers said they would hate to lose the course.

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The following persons are Ecuadorians by birth:1. Persons born in Ecuador. 2. Persons born abroad of a mother or father born in Ecuador and their descendants up to the third degree of consanguinity. 3. Persons belonging to communities, peoples or nations recognized by the State living in border areas. Article 8. The following persons are Ecuadorians by naturalization:1. Those who obtain the naturalization card. 2. Under age foreigners adopted by a female or male Ecuadorian, who shall keep their Ecuadorian nationality as long as they do not express their wish to the contrary.
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Viewing on January 3, 2010. Archive as of March 21, 2009 of. March 16, 2009. Viewing January 3, 2010. In addition, This site is simply not responsible for any show is only by translating the writings of foreign licenses that are compatible with CC BY SA license information. On the route, this line is operated on the infratigraphic line Akasaki Sumiyoshi, the main line Sumiyoshi Nishihama Town and the Hanachaya branch line Nishihama Town Hotacha Tea shop. The 2nd line was a regular line originally originating from Urakamakoza, and around 1964 the daytime time zone was driven at 10 minute intervals. There was a saving line near the current 0th line of Urakami garage, and this was used as a return line. With the extension of Junenji in June 1968, due to rationalization for management reconstruction, it changed from periodic system to temporary system, gradually decreased, it became operation only in morning rush hour and midnight, now it is only midnight and . The escape line in front of the Urakami Truck was abolished around May 1971.
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Craig 1991 asserts that 'ethical counselors cultivate unambiguous relationshipsunethical counselors cultivate dual relationships' p. 49. The key for pastoral counselors is to be well informed and to think critically while keeping in mind the simple objective of best serving the client. The clergy penitent privilege applies to those who provide 'qualified services. ' Communication which is shared by a counselee with a pastoral counselor is privileged if 1 the counselee seeks out the pastoral counselor, 2 the pastoral counselor is acting in his or her professional capacity as a spiritual advisor, and 3 there are no third parties present. The clergy penitent privilege prevents clergy or pastoral counselors from being required to disclose confidential communications in a court proceeding. This privilege belongs to the person who disclosed the information and is designed for his protection, rather than for the protection of the clergy. An exception is in a parent child relationship. If the counseling is pastoral or spiritual counseling only, in many states the only exception to divulging information is for reporting child abuse. To meet with ethical guidelines that help to minimize risks, the American Psychological Association Ethics Code 2002 explains that a multiple relationship occurs when a psychologist is in a professional role with a person and at the same time is in another role with the same person, at the same time is in an relationship with a person closely associated with or related to the person with whom the psychologist has the professional relationship, or promises to enter into another relationship in the future with the person or with a person closely associated with or related to that person. APA states that one should refrain from entering into a multiple relationship if the multiple relation ships could reasonably be expected to impair the objectivity, competence, or effectiveness of the therapeutic alliance.