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And when complaining about bulky markup by ADDing these elements, I say that device specific browsers could provide an option to recompile the markup to avoid the extra semantics and contexts and whatever they come up with a year from now. If your reader device doesnt need the extra contexts or cant really use the semantics, the device can easily get rid of it. Until then, I am going to struggle with trying to stylize my semantic elements and just put up with being yelled at for my poor element choice. Jeesh. As I read this almost 3 years old article and comments, I realize situation hasnt changed much Semantics is still hard to sell cause tools that make a real use of it dont exist yet or are dedicated to a tiny minority of users therefore with no ROI. I guess well have to wait until semantics have an impact on pagerank to see the clients, project managers and account managers beg for top notch semantic sitesMy personnal semantic nitpicking discussion is about the use of ol and ul tags Most of the time we use ul, even when there is actually an order. Best example would be navigations: do you randomly build your navigation tree ?Certainly not You wouldnt put your home in the middle of the nav, and most probably not even at the end. So although there are probably several natural orders, there are also many non natural orders, justifying the use of ol in this case and many others, at least from where I see it. This just to add, if necessary, a proof to your point that discussions about semantics are endless But so interresting : Im not sure about the previous post about ROISemantic elements within a page offers assistance to applications reading the page in the form of structural meaning. How do you know whether an application is looking for semantic elements to derive meaning?Just because a browser or tools dont support HTML5 semantic elements, doesnt mean that there is no return on investment. As the previous post already addressed, search engines may be looking for semantic elements and rank a page higher in the results.
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Indonesia and southern Philippines have been particularly vulnerable to penetration by anti American Islamic terrorist groups CRS Report for Congress, 2007. Al Qaeda, with the help of local cells or local Islamist groups carried out number of terrorist struck, for instance, the Oct. 12, 2002 bombing in Bali, Indonesia, that killed 200 people and number of terrorists attack in India, for example Hyderabad and Varanasi plots. Before attack against Indian Parliament, in 2001, terrorists attacks was confined only with very few states, especially Jammu and Kashmir. But aftermath of Parliament Attack, almost all the states, including southern states, becomes more prone to terrorists attacks. Attack on the ISRO scientist conference in Banglore, the Varanasi blast in 2006, serial blasts in Mumbai, that left 200 dead and 700 injured, and the recent terrorist strikes in Taj Hotel and other parts of Mumbai, in all these incidents the role of foreign terrorist outfits, radical Islamist groups operating in Southeast region, was strongly suspected and evidences also recovered. Pakistans support to Terrorists organizations, especially the Lashkar e Taiba LeT and Jaish e Mohammad and Jamaat ud Daawa, was an established fact by the media and through various reports. The Jamaat ud Daawa, a renamed version of the LeT, operates freely in Pakistan under the guise of a charity organization. Its headquarters is situated at near by Lahore. Though, the group claimed that it has no connection with LeT, and it was now involved only in social service. But after the earthquake in Pakistan, April 2006, the US state department put this NGO on its specially designated Global terrorist list.
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One could feel that every word of it is true, as something like this could not be fabricated. I immediately brought this to my father in laws chambers. Three days later, on July 6th, the Hungarian Government halted the deportation of the Jews. This is how it was: she believed immediately, and she brought it to the Regents attention immediately. How many more lives could have been saved had Torok come to the countess 10 days earlier?The Admiral understood that without a military showdown nobody would listen to him. On July 4, he found a loyal military unit commanded by Colonel Koszors, who confronted Baky and stopped the deportations on July 6. A quarter million of the Budapest Jews were saved at that point. Later it became known that Eichmann planned to deport all of them over just two days starting that day. With his iron will, the Regent restored partial power and influence, and we may say that nobody in the world saved as many Jews as he did. In Sakmysters words: Horthys action was unprecedented in the history of the Holocaust: never before had a leader successfully used the threat of military force to halt the deportation of Jews to the death camps. Wallenberg arrived in the city on July 9.