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g. , personal relationships, pursuit of academic career, intellectual passion, political involvement etc. that can reasonably be expected to influence motivations or results of actions of participants of the publication process. Conflicts of interest constitute a serious threat to the integrity and objectivity of both scientific research and publishing. Therefore best practice for authors, reviewers and editors alike, is to avoid conflicts of interest situations whenever possible. All participants in publication process who are in the situation of a conflict of interest must disclose this fact. Of special importance is that if the original research study reported in the manuscript or the preparation of the manuscript was supported by one or more grants, the title and number of the grants and the name of the institutions that provided the grants or financial support to conduct, analyze or write up the study, must be specified in the manuscript. Editors of BEH may use information disclosed in conflict of interest and financial support statements as a basis for editorial decisions. The corresponding author must either notify the editor at the time of submission that there is no conflict of interest to declare, or fairly and effectively communicate all conflicts of interest, which will then be acknowledged in the published article. III. Reviewing and Editing1.