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"We place priority on those who were forced to flee their countries for their opinions or actions and who count on returning once the political situation has changed. " Draft proposal titled "Ad Hoc Congressional Hearings on Racism, Repression, and Militarism within the U. S. Armed Forces" and prepared by the Citizens Commission of Inquiry. Contains an open letter to the "Second in Command of the People's Liberation Armed Forces of South Viet Nam," a poem titled "Napalm Sticks to Kids," materials concerning Reston's testimony before the Long Island Amnesty Review Board, program for symposium, military service statistics, materials for a televised program exploring the question, "Should we grant amnesty to those who have evaded military service?," Amnesty in 1973 Resolution by Reston, and a copy of essay titled "We Shall Never Vindicate Those who Have Deserted Their Country," by Charles W. Colson. Chiefly press releases and open letters in support of amnesty for draft resisters and deserters, especially John David Herndon. Brochure, "The People of the United States of America, Plaintiffs vs. Richard M. Nixon, individually and in his capacity as President of the United StatesAction to set aside the 1972 Presidential electionLeaks. Plumbers.