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N. Padmamma, M. Phil. Teaching Writing Using Picture Stories as Tools at the High School Level: The Movement from Other Regulation to Self Regulation . Y. Nirmala, M. Phil. Current Perspectives on Education . Editors: P. Udayakumar, M. Sc.

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In a letter to the Guardian, signed by a representative group of 50 professors, they say they are resigning as part of industrial action by the University and College Union, which staged a two day strike this week in protest against a 1. 1% pay offer. A UCU spokesperson said: Weve been inundated with calls from members who are resigning from their external examiner posts. Its now in four figures and we are expecting more to come. The union said it was also concerned about both the increasingly insecure nature of employment in universities, with 75,000 staff on casualised contracts, and the continuing gender inequality in pay, with men earning an average 12. 6% more than women. The letter says: We have resigned because, while as senior academics we believe our role in underpinning the quality of education provided to students is vital, we are all too aware of the unfairness of the current pay policies of our universities and their impact on staff themselves and their students. We have watched with sadness the pay of academic and professional staff fall in real terms by 14. 5% since 2009; we have seen the numbers of casualised staff proliferate; and seen universities do little or nothing to reduce the shocking gender pay gap despite having a collective surplus of 1. 85bn. Yet the final straw for many of us is the contention by our employers that the latest final pay offer of 1.
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Dont try to do so much that you miss where you are. Personal experience and my mom 2. Ordinary suffering molds us to be the people God wants us to be. Dont seek to help your child avoid all suffering. Do seek to talk them through their experiences so they can learn from them and learn to emphasize with other people. BSF lessonmy mom 3. Envision for your children who they can bewhat God made them to beseek to know their gifts, strengths, talents and positive personality traits and help them to see how they can be that person Katie Peeblesmentor and friend before my marriage 4. Envision the good qualities hidden in the negative onesbad behavioral traits are good ones misused. Seek to bring out the good ones. Gods Pattern for Enriched Living, by Verna Burke available on Amazon along with other books by this author 5. Spend time doing things which are important to your husband and each childwhat matters to that person is important.
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Public correction can foster feelings of anger, embarrassment, and bitterness; it can also become a sideshow for the other students. Also, when invoking a consequence, you should ask yourself, How would I want my own children disciplined in a similar situation? Answering this question will help you treat the student with care and respect. Finally, remember to stay calm and avoid frustration. The worst thing you can do is to invoke a consequence when you are angry or upset, as this can lead to regrettable actions on your part. If necessary, give yourself a cooling off period before intervening with the student. Figure 1.