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Notes: 49% masculine, and 51% feminine. I have a male physical body, but a balanced energy yet sometimes I think that I was more feminine in my past life. That which made me have more feminine energy at times. When people meet me they tend to confuse me as a female, but I really prefer being balanced. I hope that clears things up. Eh?I'm somewhat unclear as to how your Gender Freedom Scale relates to your idea that masculine or feminine energy of past life experience accounts for why most homosexuals exist. Perhaps it plays a part, but I don't see the data to support such a statement, nor the correlation. Angela Kahealani's page on Gender Freedom seems to promote bisexuality as a reaction to "the extreme overpopulation by the infestation of the species of humans. " Infestation?Where?Africa, maybe?What do you suppose that's about?Whose children do you imagine she's referring to when she speaks of "infestation"?I heard of something that is called astral and as the physical body's shapes the astral body to a type of gender it will depend on your masculine or feminine. I don't know how astral go really, but I heard it's like a morph of energy or a link up some sort. Also heard that it is wicked fun.

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A complete guide, which includes eligibility requirements and enrollment information, can be found at DaytonaState. edu/go/upskill now. html. The nine programs weve identified for this rapid credentialing effort cover a broad spectrum of high demand careers, said Frank Mercer, Director of DSCs Center for Business and Industry. Weve configured the training to allow the participant quick entry into these careers and to pathways to continue their education. The grant was created through the Governors Emergency Education Relief GEER Fund under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security CARES Act to assist Daytona State in enrolling students in short term, high demand workforce/career certificate programs. It specifically benefits those who have been adversely affected by the COVID 19 crisis, the impacts of which have forced many to seek training and employment in entirely different business sectors. The grant allows DSC to increase capacity in these short term, high demand programs, many of which culminate in industry recognized certification that can also articulate into higher level credentials such as A. S. or B. S.
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3 September / October 2003 201 202 For the text of the first opinion of the CISG AC and an Introduction to the CISG AC , see Garro, Alejandro A. / Perales Viscasillas, Pilar, "Comunicaciones Electrnicas en la Convencin de Viena de 1980 sobre Compraventa Internacional de Mercaderas CNUCCIM: Primera opinion del Consejo Consultivo de la CNUCCIM CISG AC", RCE nm 44 2003 39 562004. CISG AC Opinion no. 2, Examination of the Goods and Notice of Non Conformity Articles 38 and 39 7 June 2004. Rapporteur: Professor Emeritus Eric E. Bergsten, Pace University School of Law. Opinion unanimously adopted by the CISG AC: Peter Schlechtriem Chair; Eric E. Bergsten, Michael Joachim Bonell, Alejandro M. Garro, Roy M. Goode, Sergei N. Lebedev, Pilar Perales Viscasillas, Jan Ramberg, Ingeborg Schwenzer, Hiroo Sono, Claude Witz Members; Loukas A.
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