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An era where cooperation and sharing of information was the rule rather than the exception and where the study of this fascinating relic could go forward in an open and intelligent manner. An era of equal and open access to everything we already know about the Shroud of Turin. a wonderful goal as we approach the 21st century. I urge everyone around the world with Shroud resources to become a participant in this archiving project by contacting Michael Minor at the address below. Remember, it can't happen without you!Michael Minor P. O.

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Either way, it costs less than the MFC J4510DW, but is close enough to it in capability to replace it as Editors' Choice. Like all of the Business Smart series printers, the MFC J4410DW is primarily a letter size printer that can also handle up to tabloid size paper 11 by 17 inches through its manual feed slot. If you need to print on tabloid size paper, but only occasionally and only for one or two page documents, that makes it an attractive choice compared with more expensive printers with tabloid size paper trays. It also makes for a much smaller printer?at 7. 3 by 18. 9 by 11. 4 inches HWD for the MF J4410DW. BasicsAside from the smaller touch screen, at 1. 8 instead of 3. 7 inches, the MFC J4410DW is essentially identical to the Brother MFC J4510DW. The only other significant difference is that Brother rates it at a slower speed.
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When using handmade objects, even if only in our imaginations, we automatically re enact social rituals that span millennia. But more than this, as Simmel realized, when using handmade objects we are also having an encounter with another human being; we are connecting to another person and, therefore, to a life outside the solitary self. In this sense, the idea that handmade objects come from someplace has little to do with geography as such and much to do with human social valuesvalues that transform the lone individual into a social being with connections and responsibilities to others, not just to the self. This connection cannot help but impart a temporal, human dimension to the work, which thereby gives added meaning to the rituals, whether quotidian or not, that such objects embody. In the age of the handmade, these parametersboundaries, if you likewere accepted by everyone, almost without conscious thought. But what happens when there is no makers hand connected to the work, only a designers plan for its machine production?Moreover, what are the ramifications of industrial systems of production when a design object is not only realized in vast quantities that are far beyond human capabilities, but production continues indefinitely beyond the designers lifetime?Have we now entered a realm of place less ness in Simmels sense, one in which objects are cut free from the temporal and physical limitations of the human hand and float in a timeless world without apparent human limits and boundaries?Because of the influence of design and mechanical industrial production, the look of things is now more and more likely to take precedence over their usefulness, their functionality. Thats one reason why we now endure pitchers that dont pour gracefully and furniture that is unstable or doesnt fit the body. In addition, since unlimited production has made possible the inexpensive, throwaway object, convenience has become an overriding social value thereby giving rise to an economics of disposability. As a consequence, we now have containers marred by advertisements and landscapes dotted with overflowing landfills. What does it mean to live in such a world, one in which limits and boundaries have been reconfigured, even distorted?This is a world in which former notions of social grace, civility, and even frugality that were embodied in the handmade object have been reconfigured around consumption and waste in the name of an economy of individual comfort. Is our fondness for things quick and convenientan attitude now deeply ingrained in contemporary behaviordegrading both the quality of the objects we use and the rituals that sustain social life?In other words, in a grab and go society like ours, dominated as it is by a culture based on convenience, are the objects we use helping to structure our lives in meaningful ways or are they propelling us toward the amorphous?It seems to us that, in response to such a situation, it is not just a question of returning thoughts and feelings to objects heirlooms and souvenirs already do this but of creating objects with aesthetic qualities, qualities that will engender thoughts and feelings of a deeper, more profound nature.
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