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pdf Radha, A. 2010. The role of English language in the present day scenario. Retrieved. 15 September 2014. Rampton, M. B. H. 1996. Displacing the native speaker: Expertise, affiliation, and inheritance. In T.

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The highest level of green tea consumption was shown to cut the risk of functional and cognitive decline by close to one half. The researchers noted that those consuming five or more cups of green tea each day also ate more fruit and vegetables, consumed more fish, were less likely to smoke, had fewer strokes or heart attacks, and tended to have a higher level of education. Improved dietary and lifestyle considerations are synergistic factors that compliment green tea consumption and likely contribute to the positive results in this study. Health minded individuals already follow strict dietary principles to maintain brain health and functional abilities. Drinking 5 or more cups of green tea each day are shown to boost the healthy benefits associated with proper nutrition and lifestyle. Colon cancer is the third leading cause of cancer deaths annually, a statistic that remains constant despite increased awareness of the deadly disease. Researchers from the Science and Technology Institute of Food and Nutrition in Spain have published the result of a study in the journal Molecular Nutrition and Food Research detailing the potent anti carcinogenic effect of the natural chocolate compound, cocoa. Scientists determined for the first time that regular consumption of cocoa negates the inflammatory effect of digestive oxidative stress that results in intestinal complaints and is a precursor to the genesis of colon cancer. Cocoa is now considered a superfood as it has been shown to improve blood lipids and help prevent cardiovascular disease in past research. The result of this current study demonstrates that a daily dose of the compound can help prevent colon cancer progression. Researchers studied rats that had been fed a cocoa rich diet consisting of twelve percent cocoa, as compared to a control group that received the same diet with the chocolate compound enrichment.
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The same goes for trying to make your essay sound sophisticated. While it doesnt read particularly well if you use the same word over and over again throughout your essay, its much worse if you use words that dont make sense because youve been using a thesaurus. A boring essay which makes sense will beat a fancy sounding essay that doesnt make sense any time. Never is quite a strong word but unless you have a word in mind that youre looking for, dont use a thesaurus. Theyre much more likely to hinder rather than help. In the past few weeks, weve explored the use of examples in essays. Since examples are powerful communication devices, I will take my own advice. Below are some example paragraphs from a Year 13 level essay written for Cambridge A2 course work. Before we dive into them, though, note that for English Literature essays like these, the examples will usually be quotations taken from the text. At higher levels, and in other subjects, the types of examples may be case studies from various academic sources or other sorts or evidence. Good essay examples to use in an English Literature essay include quotations of sound devices, metaphors, personification, and various forms of imagery.
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Ive had after the fact spinning done to me a couple of times by editors at different publications including that one. When it is done in a righteous way, and REALLY meant to deepen the story, the editor will hand the piece back to you, and ask you the writer to flesh it out, answer their questions, etc. In a reported piece, it is expected that you will not only write a few lines but that youll also put some meat on the bones in the form of a quoted source or two. The big tells on this Bernie hack are: 1 No supporting quotes were added after the original publication 2 it obviously happened really fast, so fast that whoever wanted the hack did not give it back to the original author to fix but did it ham handedly him or her self and 3 If deepening the story was so vital, why did none of the previous editors find anything wrong with it?a longer reported piece like this will have at least two editors, and since this article wasnt breaking news, these editors and the reporter had LOTS of time to go over it before signing off and publishing on the site. Anyway thats how I became absolutely sure that someone from upstairs at the NYT laid a heavy hand on this article. So then the question becomes: why?Sure, it might have been the Clinton campaign making a phone call, but these things are rarely so quid pro quo.