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Officers and Councilors may involve members from the Student Association to assist them in performing their functions. In doing so they must provide for orderly continuity in the affairs of the Student Government Association. Each elected person of the Student Government Association shall miss no more than two 2 scheduled meetings per semester without proper authorization. There shall be five 5 standing committees of the Student Government Association. Each committee chairperson shall maintain a handbook for standard operating procedures. At the completion of his/her term, each chairperson shall recommend to the Executive Board and call to the attention of his/her successor any changes in the handbook for his/her committee. If the Office of President falls vacant, the Vice President of Executive Orders shall become President, and the Vice President of Executive Orders position shall fall vacant. Vacancies occurring in offices other than that of President between twenty eight 28 and 7 calendar days before the first day of a regularly scheduled election shall be filled by election by the Student Association at the said election. Vacancies in offices other that President at all other times shall be filled by appointment by the President of Bucks County Community College on nomination by the Student Government Association. The sincere inability to assemble a quorum shall not invalidate such nominations. Persons so appointed shall serve until the position is filled by election, which shall take place at the next regularly scheduled election.

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You can choose to use your CSEF to donate to the following Voluntary Contributions: If you choose to make a voluntary contribution to the school you will not receive a receipt for tax deduction purposes as the ATO considers this donation is not directly coming from you. Please contact the school if you wish to make a voluntary contribution. If you would like to use your CSEF to purchase text books or stationery for this year not 2021. Please contact us and we will work through the process with you. CSEF can only be used for the student it applies to and any remaining or unused CSEF will roll over to the 2021 school year except for a Year 12 student, this will rollover to a sibling if applicable, or go back to the school. I understand that this is a lot of information to take in, so if you have any further queries on this please contact me on 5248 1400 or at newcomb. gov. auMrs FieldBusiness Manager The Department of Education and Training DET have changed the guidelines on what the Camps, Sports and Excursion fund CSEF can be used for during Term 4 2020. CSEF funds are normally restricted to camps, sports and excursions. As there has been limited opportunity to undertake these activities this year, CSEF usage has now been expanded further to include technology devices, internet access, voluntary school charges, and text books and stationery. It may not be used for school uniforms, music lessons, formals/graduations or compulsory fees.
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