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The jury highlighted his international visibility, and the strong impact of his work on Vienna as a scientific location. Meinrad Busslinger was recruited by the IMPs founding director Max Birnstiel as one of its first senior scientists in 1987. He is scientific deputy director at the IMP and professor in molecular genetics at the University of Vienna. His lab studies the processes by which transcription factors regulate the commitment of early hematopoietic progenitors to the B cell lineage and control their differentiation into mature B cells and plasma cells. Busslinger is an elected member of the European Molecular Biology Organization EMBO, the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and the Academia Europaea, and recipient of several important research awards, including a Wittgenstein Award and the Virchow Medal of the University of Wrzburg. This is only the second time that a Preis der Stadt Wien is presented to an IMP principal investigator IMP emeritus director Barry Dickson received the honour in 2014. Meinrad Busslingers former PhD student Giulio Superti Furga, now scientific director of the Center for Molecular Medcine CeMM, was a recipient in 2011. An award ceremony is normally held in December, although that may not be possible this year due to the continuing pandemic. 2. 0 Literature Review I: Contextual Grounding2. 1 Leisure Tourism and Tourists2.

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