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6. Elites entrenched their sense of autonomy from other species; they were masters not lovers of nonhuman beings, the species Others who came to define human self making. But for planters this was only possible to the extent that human subspecies were formulated and enforced: Someone had to work the cane. Biology came to signify the difference between free owners and coerced labour. Coloured people worked the cane; white people owned and managed it. No racial laws or ideals could stop miscegenation, but they could guarantee that only those of the white race could inherit property.

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Social scientists, psychologists and trauma specialists who support survivors have impressed upon journalists the need to respect the autonomy of victims, to avoid re traumatizing them and to understand that survivors are as reliable in their testimony as other crime victims. These insights clearly influenced Erdely, Woods and Dana. Ultimately, we were too deferential to our victim; we honored too many of her requests in our reporting, Woods said. We should have been much tougher, and in not doing that, we maybe did her a disservice. Erdely added: If this story was going to be about Jackie, I cant think of many things that we would have been able to do differently. Maybe the discussion should not have been so much about how to accommodate her but should have been about whether she would be in this story at all. Erdelys reporting led her to other, adjudicated cases of at the university that could have illustrated her narrative, although none was as shocking and dramatic as Jackies. Yet the explanation that Rolling Stone failed because it deferred to a victim cannot adequately account for what went wrong. Erdelys reporting records and interviews with participants make clear that the magazine did not pursue important reporting paths even when Jackie had made no request that they refrain. The editors made judgments about attribution, fact checking and verification that greatly increased their risks of error but had little or nothing to do with protecting Jackies position. It would be unfortunate if Rolling Stones failure were to deter journalists from taking on high risk investigations of in which powerful individuals or institutions may wish to avoid scrutiny but where the facts may be underdeveloped.
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