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Year, Month Day. Title of episode Season X, Episode XX. In P. Producer Producer, Series title. Studio or distributor. Egan, D.

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Since 2004, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety has done simulations like this to test the safety of vehicles in rear end crashes; but graduate student Nicholas Kelling wanted to know more about the human factors involved. Georgia tech engineering psychologists created this animation to simulate a rear end collision scenario and test drivers braking behavior. They found that drivers generally arent able to detect when the car in front of them is going slower than they are, unless the difference in speed is at least eight to ten miles an hour. Well, if people cant detect that the car in front of them is going slower, youre going to run into it, Gregory Corso, Ph. D. , a professor of psychology at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, told Ivanhoe. Safety devices are designed to protect you if a crash happens, but now, these researchers have developed an algorithm they say could prevent many rear end crashes from happening by creating a collision warning system that adjusts to the way you drive. incorporate your driving style and your braking behavior and learn basically how you stop the car and modify its behavior to mimic your behavior, Dr. Corso explained. And we could put it into a warning system to tell people that the car in front of them is not going as fast as they are, and either stop the car or slow up, Nicholas Kelling, a graduate teaching assistant at the Georgia Institute of Technology, told Ivanhoe. Technology that could one day mean safer cars and fewer rear end collisions.
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The health of these men was followed until the end of the study in 1988. There were 207 total deaths among this group. Of these 207 deaths there were 7 brain cancer deaths. This is nearly 2. 5 times higher than the expected rate of 2. 7.
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Yeah, Im going to jump on the bandwagon and shout hubby out. Hes a great dad, provider and puts up with me on daily basis!lol!He needs his own cape and theme musicY a todo esto. Que tienen que decir ahora los que decan que el Gobierno se haba rendido a ETA?. Han cambiado las mentiras por ir soltando hostias por la calle?Cuidadn,que la paciencia se puede acabar. I do not even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was great. I dont know who you are but certainly you are going to a famous blogger if you arent already Cheers!"Cultural choices matter a lot here.
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This engagement can be active, when consumers contribute to or create brand related content, or passive, when brand related is merely consumed, where active engagement strongly influences the attitudes of those who observe the created content. Besides some downsides, these platforms provide benefits for a company as well. Because, they have enabled them to engage their consumers more, and even better: they have the power to convert these consumers into fans and therefore to passionate and loyal customers. How to use webcare?Schamari and Schafers 2015 investigated how brands can use webcare on consumer generated platforms to increase positive consumer engagement and have come to a number of conclusions. For the study, 188 participants were exposed to an online message in which a consumer expressed his or her satisfaction with a car brand. Half of the people observed a webcare respons from the car brand in which the writer was thanked for the compliment. The other half of the people did not see a webcare reaction. These messages were either shown on a platform managed by the car brand itself a branded Facebook page or on a platform managed by consumers themselves a consumer forum. The results show an increase in engagement intention when organizations respond to online compliments. People are more willing to share positive information, make recommendations or participate in online conversations when they read a thank you message as response to a positive WOM message. These results are particularly visible when the message is shown on a consumer platform.